
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Results Are In...

I asked everyone what his or her favorite gaming console that was created before 2000 was, and the poll shows the Super Nintendo Entertainment System won by one point with the Nintendo 64 in second.  This is great!  I also love the SNES.  I still own more SNES games than any other system.  You guys have restored my faith in humanity (and video games).  And if I left out any gaming console that was your favorite from the poll, I am sorry.

Well, now that you now my favorite gaming console, how about my favorite game?  Final Fantasy VI is my all-time favorite game.  The sad news is that I have never owned the game.  When I was a child, I would always rent it.

But don't let this blog cloud your mind about me.  I don't live in the past only playing classic games.  I currently own a Xbox 360 with Kinect, a Wii with Homebrew, and a Nintendo DS; and I play them all.  I just have a heart for older games because I have many fond childhood memories of playing video games (like a zombie).


  1. yeah, I also like to play old games. I hate it when people say that old games are shit becouse they are old...

  2. wow I didn't think that they would be split so equally, but I guess it makes sense, the two best consoles of their time

  3. Woo! I'm glad SNES won it.
    I think the poll says a lot about the voters' ages.
    It looks like most of us grew up playing SNES or N64.

  4. I demand a recount. Intellivision needs more love.

  5. I never really had SES, just N64 and Sega Genesis. The N64 was great!

  6. Daww, I was pulling for the game boy...

  7. In fact that I had only gameboy I should vote for it

  8. SNES was cool and all, but I'll stick with the original NES!

  9. Not really a gamer to start but the Kinect has provided some great entertainment! Great blog, following!

  10. Makes sense, the SNES definitely won the 16 bit war (when gaming was still innocent).

  11. I knew SNES would win! Contra, Link from the past, super Mario world, the epic titles go on and on!!

  12. Dreamt of a SNES today..true story

  13. just installed a snes emu on iphone ;)

  14. YESSS SNES the greatest console aver made.

  15. So how's kinect going? I'd love to buy an Xbox but I haven't got any money to spend right now. ^^U

  16. I'm surprised genesis only got 2 votes! that was a quality system!

  17. I have an SNES emulator on my laptop, and I honestly play it more than my Wii, Xbox, or WoW combined. I love me some Final Fantasy, and the OG Super Mario World!
